Friday, September 25, 2009

Off We Go

Well, we went to Atlanta for our USCIS fingerprints(the last stage in this process) on Set. 11th and arrived 40 minutes early for our appointment, but they let us in early and we were in and out of there in 8 minutes!!!!!! For those of you that know this process, it is usually about 1-2 hours-YEAH! So we then got our approval about 10 days later and notarized the copy of our I-797(the document that gives us permission to bring an orphaned child into the USA) and Off It Went...... to our agency who will then send it off for final authentication. After THAT, then it goes to China for our official LID Log-in-Date. We will still have to wait 6-8 months until we actually have our sweet child in our arms-BUMMER but all in God's timing!!!!!!! I really am not stressing too bad about this which is quite unusual for me. It is so hard to see his face and know we still can't hold him for quite some time. I pray God will use this time for His glory in all of us. It is amazing how many months all that paper work takes! That is why they call it "paper pregnant" I guess. It sure does feel good to get that thing out of my hands-whew! Ok, on to preparing a care package for our new brother so that he can know someone ,halfway around the world ,is loving him!!!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

"Nothin Better!"

There is "nothin better" to me than the smell of baby lotion. Just plain ole, old-fashioned baby lotion! When we first brought Jaida home I made a point to rub her with lotion after her bath. I had read that touch is so important to babies, seeing that I didn't know just how much "touch" she had received, I would rub her little body with yummy baby lotion. She would stare into my eyes as I did this and I would fall more and more in love with her. She still asks me occasionally to "do yotion Mama" so tonight after her bath I "did yotion". Of course now she has to help because "i a big dirl now". As I read, rocked and sang to her I took in that delicious scent and savored the moment remembering back to my 1st baby and 2nd baby and how I had done the same with them. I feel so blessed to be able to still hold and rock a baby covered in baby lotion 11 years later. It doesn't get better than that!!!!!!