Saturday, April 10, 2010


Sorry, we're not here-we're in CHINA!!!!!! Join us at enter child's name:Xinran Hatcher. I will resume posting here when we return! Zaijian!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The De-throning of a Princess


Well, it is inevitable. It IS going to happen. It won't be pretty. There will be some tears. But it is coming and there is no stopping it now. Jaida is going to have some adjustments with her new brother arriving in just a few days. Jaida is the baby of the family and will remain in that position, so that is a good thing. Jaida is in all reality...... the Princess of the family too(nobodys fault but ours). She likes the attention she gets from practically everybody- she is quite a bit younger than Julia and all her friends and even Sam and his friends, so they really make over her. She gets attention too because she looks different from the rest of our family. And to be quite honest she gets attention because, in this Mommy's opinion, she is DARN cute! And her personality..... she is a spitfire......she is precocious......she is engaging. But there is a new fella that might steal some of that attention and scramble to make himself a Prince. Watch out will have a fight on your hands for that crown.Oh boy, we are in trouble.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Merry Easter!!!


I awoke this morning at a little before 7:00 am to the sweet sound of "Merry Easter Mama! Easter Bunny come?He bring me new fwip fwops?" Jaida was so excited about getting new flip flops-the girl loves shoes! Last year the Big Bunny brought her flip flops and so this year we waited with much anticipation to see if he would have those pint-sized shoes among the grass and candy.........YES, there they were and she was happy as a clam. Big brother and sister were happy with their gifts as well. We had a beautiful service at church followed by lunch with Nana and Poppy. It was a wonderful day and I am blessed! Hope you had a joyous Easter!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Two Bulls and a Princess


Well, as we are fast approaching departure for China, we have been busy! Julia and Sam play on a soccer club called the Bulls. We have games or tournaments most weekends. On this particular weekend Julia played against boys and Sam played against girls and Jaida faithfully cheered her siblings and their teammates on. She is their #1 fan and is so good about sitting at games all day long!! When she is not cheering for the Bulls she rather likes a good game of Barbies, babies or dress-up Princess! I am not sure where Xin will find his niche in all this? It will be so fun to watch him make his place in the mix and to see his personality unfold!