Monday, August 29, 2011

Aiken Cup Soccer Tournament


The "littles" staying busy.

The U10 boys runner-up!

My handsome tough bull.

The U14 girls champs!

My beautiful tough bull!

Way to go!!!!!

They had a giant water slide the kids eyed all weekend. After the last game we let them cool off and have some real fun!!!!!!

The kids played in the annual Aiken Cup this weekend. This is the tournament that their club puts on every year. They love it and it is a great kick-off to their "fall" season!!! I say "fall" season.... as anyone who knows the south in August knows there is NO fall weather to be found this time of year. In fact, we had near 100 degree temps all weekend with just a few gusts of hot air courtesy of Irene. After 21 hours of soccer we headed home with 2 medals, some skinned knees, blisters, sunburns and tired aching muscles. Julia's U14 team won their division and Sam's U10 team won 2nd place. Way to go Bulls!!!!! It was a great weekend of soccer and we were so proud of the way they both played under those HOT conditions. Julia scored 4 goals over 2 days and Sam helped keep LOTS of goals out-he plays defense..... with a vengeance!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

LID..... and "stuff"

In the adoption world there are all kinds of letters and numbers. You learn very quickly what they mean and which ones you like seeing.We like these 3...... We are LID! Yes, Log-In-Date. August 18th we were logged into the Chinese "system", which means our papers are being processed! Next we wait for LOA..Letter of Acceptance, then Article 5, then TA...Travel Approval, then CA....consulate appointment, then numbers-these are the ones we LOVE to see...dates of departure and flight numbers! Yes, we still have a ways to go and a lot of letters and numbers still to get through but we are 1 step closer to holding Lulu and we like that a lot!

Other things have been going on around here such as:

A VERY fun trip to Seabrook with our wonderful friends the Drafts-no pics at this time as they were taken on other camera and I can't find cord to download them. Julia did put them on Facebook-thanks sweet girl! A great time was had by ALL!!!! Thank you Drafts Family!!!!

School for the "littles" and all smiley faces on our daily conduct-woohoo-now if we could just do that at home:)

Soccer in full swing with the big Aiken Cup this weekend...we should either have part of the hurricane or 100 degree heat indexes...hmmmm which would be better?

The "bigs" start home school next week so we have been organizing lockers, gathering supplies and yes...getting excited to start! Which means they must have an awesome teacher:)

Cousin Anna and Mimi came to visit and we loved having them with us!

Will has been working a TON!!!!! We aren't really sure what he looks like anymore?

I have actually made some adorable dresses, if I do say so myself, following a pattern. A new thing for me, patterns that is, but they turned out cute and so now I think I will do more. Oh wait, that might take some free time and I am not sure there will be much of that starting next week.

So, LID we have and now we can start the prayers for LOA!!!!! Hang in there Lulu......we are coming! Oh, and guess where we were on the 18th when they logged us in????? THE BEACH!!!! Seeing a pattern???????

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beautiful Lulu


We got this video of Lulu earlier this week. It is from the visit in June from the mission team that was there. Oh how I want to get my hands on her and kiss those gorgeous lips! She was 13 months old at the time. We will have to work on that smile but we have a whole bunch of kiddos here dying to make their little sis smile! Thanks ladies this mean so much to us!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

1st Day of School

My Pre-K ladybug!

My big Kindergartner!

My two monkeys.

Well, the "littles" started school today. Way too early...but no one asked my opinion. I am not starting the "bigs" until September. This will more than likely be their last year in school as they will join the big kids homeschooling next year. They are there from 9-1, everyday for Xin, and M, W, F for Jaida. I surprised myself with a few tears as I walked back to my car. They both hugged my neck so tightly and gave me "kissing hands". I realize just how young they really are but how fast they too are growing up! The verdict....they had a GREAT first day! And Sam and I enjoyed some time together, just the 2 of us.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Date Night


Yes, I had a date tonight with 2 of the most handsome men I know. Dinner, movie, and a little Target run to look at Legos. Ya can't beat that for a great Saturday night! I love you Sam. I am one blessed Mommy!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Under my roof and in my arms.

That's how I like my kids. I know, they can't always BE under my roof and in my arms. It is my job to "give them roots and help them find their wings" (song lyrics) Ok I get that.

Today I took my first baby to the Atlanta airport and put her on a plane, by herself, to visit her best friend in Florida. They will have, already ARE having, a great time. But I miss her. I love this child to pieces and she is just a lot of fun to be around. She is my daughter. She is my friend. And I like having her around. I like talking with her, laughing with her, running with her, kissing her goodnight and smelling her beautiful blond hair. I like holding her in my arms.

Being in the airport today only reminded me of traveling to China and how very badly I want to actually BE traveling to China. You see I have another daughter there and I want her HERE under my roof and in my arms. I miss her. I want to get to know her. I want to see what makes her laugh. I want to hear her little voice. I want to kiss her goodnight. I want to hold her in my arms after her bath with that freshly bathed baby smell and drink her in.

For now I will try to rest in the assurance that He holds them both in His very loving and capable arms. I will draw on the promises that He loves them more than I do and that He has great plans for them. I will love them from afar and look forward to the day they are both under my roof and in my arms.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekend at the beach

shell hunting playing in the water

contemplating life

skim boarding

"cheerleader moves"

boogie boarding

thinking about Louisa

playing in the sand

kick-your-shoes-off kind of fun

beautiful scenery

sharks teeth hunting

our collection we've found over the years

the sea glass we've found over the years

It was a great getaway.
We miss it.

We love that beach.

Monday, August 1, 2011

I have to laugh......

So the lady at our agency who handles sending the dossiers to China every Friday is going on vacation this week. Meaning our dossier will NOT go to China this Friday....but next. God is really trying to show me just how LITTLE control over all this I have. I give up. I have NO control. I am going to stop trying. Sorta feel like a balloon with the air let out.