Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving in Review


The pre-school "feasts"

The turkey-great job Will!!!!

The girls "hanging"

A little football playing

The boys "hanging" doing some football watching

Betsy serving her YUMMY pies!

The extended Hatcher family

A little lake time and the Moore grandkids with Nana and Poppy

The big boys working hard to build........

their cool club!!!

We are so blessed. I love this holiday as it is simple. It is about what really matters. A time to reflect on the bountiful blessings our Lord pours out on us. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Party Number 2 at Chenzhou!

Look at our girl-happy again!( Marissa-Lulu's friend, is the one in yellow.)
It looks like she is telling them something here.
She is the one in the middle of the screen....look at all the clothes!
This one made us laugh...she is in the back now trying to see what is going on and wanting some of that cake!!!!!!
Ok, now we really laughed......."To heck with it, I going in for some of that cake even if I have to crawl over someone to get it!!!! That's my girl! You will fit in perfect with this food-lovin family!!!

Lulu's friend Marissa's family hosted this latest bash complete with cake, lollipops, and of course oranges. Marissa's family is traveling soon so we wish them many blessings!!! Her mom, Jen, was kind enough to send us these photos of our sweet Lulu!!!

One other note...I-800 was approved on the 17th, a few inches closer to travel approval! Yipee!!! God is Good!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

More Lulu!!!!

Gotta love the" haircutting smock" look. She is definitely in need of a fashion makeover-Jaida is ready and waiting to help! She will have her fixed up in no time!
The one foot looks fairly flat, the other....not so much-casting here we come! But look how happy she looks!!!!!!

We got an update today from the orphanage....she is about 20 lbs, 29 inches tall and takes a bottle with formula. She is crawling and standing holding on to something. Her favorite activity...playing with other kids. We've got that covered sweet girl, you will have your pick of brothers and sisters and lots of friends that are always welcomed here!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Party at Chenzhou


Yes, Lulu was celebrating with a "My family is coming to get me soon" party with her friends! We sent a cake, lollipops, a photo album and evidently some oranges too! Look how happy she looks! That made my heart happy! This may be the last pictures we see of her until she is in our arms so we are holding on to them and looking at them quite frequently....well constantly if you want to know the truth. Praying for travel before end of January!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011