Tuesday, June 22, 2010


We saw the pediatric cardiologist today, bright and early 8:15 am. I have read on other blogs of families with kids with medical needs and how they are so good and patient at the doctor appointments, like they have done this all before. Well, our little guy followed right along. His only question to me is, "Mama, Xinran......and he motions like he is getting a shot,?" Once I say no, he goes right along with the program. They listened, examined, hooked him up to wires, did and echo cardiogram and he just watched with patience and grace. He got a glowing report with this doctor too!!!! Actually the words the doctor used were, "He had a perfect repair. His heart looks perfect and he is a perfectly normal little boy!" PERFECT repair.....praise God! We don't even need a follow up appointment.

So this "special needs" little fella, turns out pretty "normal". Now we do have a ways to go with the palate surgery he is going to need and speech which he desperately needs, but all in all, a"normal" kid. If you have ever considered adopting a "special needs" child please don't let those words scare you. Yes, there are needs out there that are vast and comprehensive but the majority of these kids' needs are pretty ordinary. What they really need.....love, a family, a chance, and to be told about their savior.

To celebrate our great doctors' reports and Xin's excellent behavior, we all went to see Karate Kid today. So cool....all filmed in China. We had seen so many of the places in the film, which made it even better. Xin loved his 1st movie and watched the entire thing. They spoke a lot of Chinese and it was neat to see him listening. We may have missed a lot of his typical baby-book "firsts" but I have so enjoyed seeing the joy on his face when he experiences something new for the 1st time. A blessing of older child adoption!!!! We are thankful for a great report and a fun day!!!!!


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