Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Weekend of Soccer

Because so much of our time lately seems to have been taken up by the TK's-Teeny Kids, this post is ONLY about the BK's-big kids! We had our first tournament of the soccer season this past weekend. It was in Aiken SC and is put on by the Bulls Soccer Club, which is the club Julia and Sam play on. We had a very jam-packed weekend with LOTS of soccer-going from 8:00am Saturday morning to our last game starting at 4:30 Sunday afernoon. Both teams, the U13 girls and the U9 boys did fantastic! Julia's team won their U13 division and Sam's team won runner-up for the U9 boys division! We all came home with medals!!!!! Somehow that seems to make all the blood, sweat and yes, some tears, worth it! GO BULLS!!!!!!! Good job everybody!


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