Saturday, October 16, 2010

We Just Can't Stop Adopting!!!!

Yes, it is true we adopted again......but this time a dog! Yes, we are crazy! Julia came running down the steps two weeks ago saying "We've been matched!" My heart stopped. Did Will start paperwork to adopt again....NO! Did Great Wall have a baby they thought we would want to adopt? I almost fainted as I yelled "What?" "A dog. A Golden Retriever. They have a dog for us!" Oh a dog. Whew! Wait, that is yet another warm body to care me. No said my head, look at the email said my heart. So off I went to the computer and sure enough after almost 2 years on the waiting list (all adoptions take LONG) the Canine Companions for Independence had a released dog for us. They train these Lab, Goldens and Lab/Golden mixes to be companion dogs for the handicapped. If they fail out of the program they release them for adoption. We specifically said we wanted a Golden and evidently those full-bred are hard to come by. Well, this dog was 2 last Friday on Will's b-day (Harley had Will's brother's b-day) and was released because he had too much energy and wanted to play instead of work......well who wouldn't? So, they put him in a "foster home" with a small dog to see how he would do and he passed that test. We decided a two year old, trained, comes with about 20 commands, house-broken, vet-checked dog couldn't be too bad. So, we packed everybody into the car after Julia's Sunday game and drove to Orlando to pick him up. They said it was the biggest group they had ever had to adopt a dog. We travel in a pack I told her--ha ha! The two dogs have done very well together and really like each other. They play constantly. Ollie now has someone to bug that doesn't appear to mind. So without further words..........we introduce the newest family member......Blazen!

By the way, we have a two week "trial period" in which we can return him if it isn't a good fit. I think he is here to stay!!!!!


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