Saturday, January 8, 2011

Bad Blogger


Annual trip to Lights at the Zoo

Snow! Yes, it is a smattering but......... this is 3 days after!

Mimi and Papa Bill's house with all the cousins.

Christmas Day 2010

Christmas morning...EARLY. Waiting for the Ok to come down and see the "loot"

Christmas Eve after church

Cakes for a Cause. All proceeds go to the orphan/adoption ministry of Julia's choice. They are amazingly YUMMY!

Ok, I have been a bad blogger lately. Christmas came and went and I have been heavy into my "project list". Not to mention school and activities starting back up. Here is a quick wrap-up of our last couple of weeks.
Julia sold over $230 for her Cakes for a Cause charity
Xin LOVED his first Christmas
It snowed again in the deep south...that is twice in 2010!
We visited cousins and relatives
We went to the Lights at the Zoo
Julia's BEST friend Haley visited with us for 5 days! We miss you!!!!!
A great wrap up for 2010! We are blessed!!! Happy New Year to All!


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