Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Praying for $15,0000

Yes, you read that right! We are praying for $15,000 in the next 3 weeks!!! I follow a blog where they raised $11,000 in 5 days to help a family bring home their child from Africa. Awesome!!! If they can do it so can we, right? With GOD'S help of course!!!! So, a friend of mine and I are helping to run a mission at our church called Minus 1. This is an orphan care and adoption ministry. We have recently been made aware of an organization that runs an orphanage in Tanzania that is in need of another building. The cost to build it..........$15,000!!!!! There is a team of people departing for Africa in 3 weeks and we want to send this money with them!!!!Let's not leave these precious kids out on the streets. I know everyone has their "places" they contribute to and the economy is bad, but NO amount is too small!!!!! Please consider donating to this worthwhile cause. We are not all called to adopt but we are all called to help care for the orphan..... and this is your chance. James 1:27 "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." You can check out this place here: www.theglobalorphanproject.org/village/huruma-village/

If you would like to contribute please make checks out to First Presbyterian Augusta with Minus 1 in the note section so they know where to direct the funds. Their address is 642 Telfair St. Augusta, GA 30901. Those of you who know me personally can also mail the check, or cash, to my home address. I thank you, as do the orphans in Africa, from the bottom of my heart for considering giving to this cause. Remember there are over 147 MILLION orphans in the world! We will be praying for hearts to move and for $15,000 to come in!!!!!!!! To God be the glory!


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