Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Break 2011

The words Spring and Break in the same sentence usually conjure up images of warm weather, flowers blooming and a break form the usual routine, sometimes accompanied by a trip out of town. Well, here in Augusta we have this "small" golf tournament during Spring Break and most Augustans rent their homes out and leave this jammed packed town for other more enjoyable locations. Unfortunately, when one member of our family, who shall remain nameless, works for this fine golf club, circumstances are quite different. In the past we have rented our house only to have to rent something smaller in town so that unnamed person could go to work. That left the rest of us here with all friends gone, lots of crazy traffic, and Mommy flying solo with kids for MANY days. Unnamed person departs the house at 5:45 only to return after 9:00pm and lets just say, it ain't a lot of "break" for anyone!

This year we tried something different. The kids and I left for our favorite beach and some Spring Break fun. We had a GREAT time, even though we really missed Daddy! We played in the sand, made castles, swam in the heated pool, ate lots of junk food, went out to dinner, hung out and came home quite refreshed! We even made it out to the tournament a couple of times at the end of the week and did get to see the "elusive one" in the flesh! We decided from now on we will most certainly escape to the beach!


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