Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas........

Santa that my Dad made for us.
Our collection of Santas.
Coco our clever, funny little elf......

10 stockings, count them...oh my! The 3 pets have one too!
Al, our resident rooster, joins in the celebration also!
Our Lego village. Each year we add the seasonal item. It is so darn cute!!!
Our handmade manger scene (I love pottery)
We love wine and Will and I made these last year with our saved corks.They sit on our bar area.

So as you can see I have managed to put up some Christmas decor amid the warm un-Christmas like temps., the heart of Eagles basketball season for Julia, soccer finishing with a heartbreaking loss that went into double overtime and ended with PK's (3 to 2) for the U10 boys Bulls, pre-school parties, crafts and musicals, stalking my email for yet another approval, trying to work diligently in home school so we are a tad ahead when we depart for China and yes, NESTING! Remember that when you were pregnant? Did you do that? I did...both times and also with my adopted babies. So I have organized, cleaned, decluttered, and started packing Lulu's suitcase.We should get our Article 5 next Thursday. It will then be overnighted to the CCAA for them to issue Travel Approval!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful Christmas gift that will be...praying it comes right before Christmas! Hope you are enjoying this special time of year!


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