Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My pitiful baby

This is how she was ALL DAY! She could NOT get comfortable and she was exhausted yet she would NOT sleep. And she insisted on having that fleece blanket draped around us....80 degrees here today. Poor baby. We did get her to stop fussing and crying for a brief time when Jaida drove her up and down the driveway in the Barbie jeep. Of course she screamed when I finally took her out. Every time she remembered those darn pink things were on her legs she would pick at them and fuss. Hoping my happy baby is back tomorrow or at least in the next few days! The doctor did say her feet were very easy to manipulate and seemed atypical club foot... more contractual vs bone? So they should respond well to treatment and less casting up front. Here's hoping the night goes well........


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