Friday, May 18, 2012

A Small World

Last June this sweet 13 yr old held and loved on our Lulu in Chenzhou China while she was still technically an orphan.

Almost 1 year later Makenna sat in our home in the southern part of the USA holding Lulu...a much loved member of our family.

This is Shannon who leads the mission team to I wish we were going!

Two important young ladies in her life

Chenzhou sisters!

Minus 5!!!!!

Ten awesome kids brought together by the miracle of adoption!

Today we had the privilege of meeting this awesome family in person. We "met" them online last year when Shannon and her daughter Makenna visited Lulu's orphanage on a mission trip. They were our lifeline to our daughter for all those months we waited not so patiently for her to be home with us. They sent us pictures, videos and Shannon and I share a passion for orphans. What a wonderful afternoon with a wonderful family! Just another unexpected blessing God brought into our lives through adoption. Next year Julia and I hope to be going with them back to Chenzhou. What loving hearts they have and I am so thankful my daughter was the recipient of their love last summer. Thank you Makenna and Shannon! We LOVED meeting you all...lets do it again!


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