Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Growing up I never"did camp"as a summer activity. Summer was just summer.No schedules. Just down time, fun and play. So I am not a fan of camp...any kind of camp.We are so busy during the school year that I enjoy the lazy days of summer that go by all too quickly. My children have never been fans of camp either. However this year we had some invitations and requests. We said yes to a few kids and then others wanted in on the camp fun as well. Four kids doing camp, Lulu did not find one that suited her :), made for a very "full" June-much to my dislike. But everyone was happy with their choices and experiences and I just have to put on my "camp hat" and smile!

First up was Xin. He is an amazing artist so we choose art camp for him. He really did some COOL stuff and this painting is now hanging in in his room.

Jaida had ballet Princess camp last week and this is just the perfect fit for our "princess" and most delicate little butterfly.

I took Sam to overnight soccer camp at Clemson university yesterday. He was excited but a little nervous too as this is his first time away from home for several nights. It will be a great learning experience in many ways. I sure do miss my little buddy. I had a few tears on the drive home solo! But I got a call from Sam when I got home and he was doing great and enjoying the first couple of hours... so my heart was better!

No Julia is not at beach camp....she is at soccer camp at USC Aiken but I had no photo of her to use for this. She is also away this week and 2 dark bedrooms make this mama's heart a little sad! I got a call from her too after her first day and she said it was awesome so again my heart was happy!

And this is Lulu having fun and being her usual happy self at "Camp Home"

I look forward to having everyone home on Friday and hearing all the fun they had and then celebrating that we are all together again.


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