Thursday, July 12, 2012

A matter of the heart....

The Visiting Orphans mission team that was at Lulu's orphanage last year when we were matched with her in June is there again NOW! Julia and I had hoped to go this year with them but with a new little one and bonding and castings and surgery and.....well it just wasn't possible this year. We cried. We really, really wanted to go. We wanted to give. Give to the children left behind, give to the nannies, be the hands and feet. A part of my heart is there. And as I have read the blogs of these wonderful women there at Chenzhou I have cried, well sobbed really. I have realized a LARGE part of my heart is there! I want to do more. Simply put... more. I have been praying about this since we left China. I know He will give me the answer of HOW to do MORE. So very many needs. So I sit, here in America, not so patiently waiting on Him to direct and guide. I have a few ideas and I am praying about those. Please visit the blogs of and pray for and with these women. Click on the Flicker link to see photos of those children waiting there for love, hope, and a future. Real children with real needs. Please pray for them. These are the same little faces we looked into when we were there in January. The sad reality that they are STILL there and probably will be until....... breaks my heart.


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