Friday, September 28, 2012


Yes, my sweet Jaida Ruth turned 6 yesterday! Although she looks at least 12 here! How I love this girl!

We had donuts for breakfast. I joined her for lunch at her new school where the entire cafeteria sang Happy Birthday while she grinned ear to ear and shared special rainbow cupcakes with her class that Julia made. After school we opened gifts, sang and had more cupcakes. We will celebrate tonight at dinner of her choice! Jaida is all girly girl and loves dressing up, shoes, make-up (pretend of course) jewelry, Barbies, the new awesome girl Lego sets "Friends", playing babies and house and singing and dancing, reading (she is an awesome reader) and hanging out with her best buddy-Xin! This child has brought such joy to our family and my heart overflows with love for this precious creation I get the privilege to parent. I can't imagine our family without her and the spark she adds! She is quite the charmer and the firecracker. I love you beyond words Jaida Ruth and pray God blesses this next exciting year of your life.
 Happy 6th Birthday!!!!!!


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