Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Full Heart

For the past 7 Christmas's  my heart has had an empty place as we waited, not so patiently, for a child of ours that was across the world in China. Whether it was a specific child we were waiting for, or just a longing in my heart, a knowing, that we still had a child out there that belonged in our family....there was that hole. The hole always seemed bigger at Christmastime. This year, much to our families' delight I am sure, my heart feels full. Our littlest one is home. We are complete. (Please God tell me we ARE complete!?)

 As we are fast approaching our 1 year anniversary with Lulu, I recall last Christmas and the agony of NOT having her here with us. My heart hurt. Then on Christmas eve we received a surprise picture of her. A special gift from God!  He knew I needed that to get through the holiday without her. It made my Christmas! How blessed we are to have this little love bug home and in our arms this Christmas. She is pure joy and delight! Her zest for life has added new spark to our traditions and her cuteness doesn't hurt matters either! How I love this child!

The photo we received last Christmas eve...... I unsuccessfully attempted to dive through the computer screen to kiss those chubby cheeks.

And my baby you see the joy in her little soul? 

Merry 1st Christmas home little one! I love you so very much!


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