Monday, May 20, 2013

Playing "catch up" again!!!!!

This blog used to be easier to keep up with in a timely the following is a run down of what we have been up to "lately"

We planted a garden

Hosted the end of season basketball party at our house...the water was freezing but still, kids and water, and someone or most everyone, even the Littles went in!

Xin and Jaida had field day at school! Xin's team-red team-won 1st place and Jaida's team-green- won 2nd so everyone was happy! Such a fun day!!!!!

Jaida had Kindergarden Celebration/Graduation. We all got to watch except Xin who was in class. Jaida won a character award! They chose one girl and one boy from each class. SO PROUD!

Sold cupcakes at a local art and craft fair for orphan ministry

Have been enjoying playing outside in the BEAUTIFUL weather we have been having!

And took 4 sweet girls to the beach for a long weekend...just me and them :-)!

So I think I am caught up.....for now!


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