Sunday, June 2, 2013

Donations needed for Chenzhou CWI

Julia and I and a team of 10 others will be leaving July 1st for a two week mission trip back to Lulu's orphanage. While I am excited about this in alot of ways, I also know the heaviness that is going to come with it. To see these kids that are still there.....1 year later....and may never leave, will break my heart. I also know that seeing the reality that would have been my 3 adopted kiddos lives will hurt deeply. We would appreciate prayers all around for this trip.

 We are also trying to bring many items over there and also purchase things in China for the orphanage. Any monetary donations for the orphanage would be so appreciated. No amount is too small! We hope to bring some donated therapy equipment with us but the airline charges a fee so it is for things such as this as well. They need baby rattles, small hand toys and teethers too so we could use those as well-the ones in the USA are much better made and are not a hazard. We are also hoping to "build" a sensory wall but have to purchase that stuff there. Please feel free to leave a message in the comment section if you have questions.  It is really unbelievable what they DON'T have and it really sets these kids back and they are already at a disadvantage being orphans and most of them with special needs.

Thank you in advance for your support and prayers.


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