Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2 out of 5

Yesterday 2 out of my 5 returned to school. I always hate to see summer come to an end and I swear each summer  goes by faster and gets shorter. Still don't understand the "why" behind starting school at the beginning of August...August is summer! Anyway...off they went. Jaida and Xin. A first grader. A second grader. They were excited, very excited! And if I am honest, I was "maybe" ready for them to go back, seeing that the bickering level had increased lately and the boredom level too.(Don't get me started on the boredom thing.) A great day was had by all and before I knew it, I was in the ridiculously long car line! The excitement and constant stream of voices trying to top one another with volume made me smile. They were happy. And that makes me happy.

Enjoying a last lazy afternoon of swimming on Sunday.

The Barbie family enjoying a day poolside too!

Ready to go!

Jaida in front of her classroom waiting for the bell  ring.

Xin in front of his classroom as a big second grader.

Jaida exploring her classroom. 

Julia and her BFF Haley kindly woke up "early" to go with us on this big first day! Thanks Sissy....a great big sister you are!

There is something about 1st grade that is so sweet to me. I shed a few tears yesterday as I looked at her toothless little grin ready to begin the year.... and said my goodbyes.

And little miss had to be a part of the event at hand.
 She asked "When I go to school?" What she fails to realize...Mommy doesn't go with her to school!
My hip accessory is still heartily attached. I pray my back holds out!

Happy 2013-14 school year to all!


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