Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Ok, I am so behind...Sam played in a tournament in Charlotte 2-1/2 weeks ago and did fairly well for their first time playing together this season. It was nice because Will and I were able to go alone with Sam and he got to be an only child for the weekend! So nice to just have one on one time with your kids.

The next weekend Julia and Sam played in the Aiken Cup. This year both kids switched clubs and so this tournament was a bit of a rivalry as their previous club sponsors this tournament. This was Julia's first time to play with her new team. They played an age group up and still dominated. The competition is not extremely tough in this tournament for the older girls but still the team played well. Julia scored a total of 10 goals for the weekend, with 2 hat tricks (3 goals in a single game) in 2 different games!!! They won their age group! Sam's team did very well having to play 3 games on the last day and also won their age group!!!! Sam played his old team in the finals. He was quite nervous and psyched!! A tough game and at the end of regulation play it was tied 1-1. They went into 5 minute over time periods with the first team that scores winning. About a minute or so into the overtime Sam received a great pass and took the ball down and shot hard at the goal........AND SCORED!!!!! Winning the game for his new team!!!!! It was a bittersweet win! So proud of him!!!!

Go Gunners!

This past weekend, Labor Day Weekend, usually brings us to our favorite beach and my "Happy Place". Unfortunately, Julia's team played in the Atlanta Cup instead. Hmmmmm....beach or south Atlanta???? I joyously awoke at 4:45 am Saturday morning to attend the first game. Saturday they won both games and we stayed at the lake with my parents, about and hr drive instead of paying the lovely Atlanta hotel rates. It felt a little more like a holiday that way too! Unfortunately, or fortunately, which ever way one would choose to look at it, they lost their first game Sunday morning. This ended our tournament and left us with half of Sunday and all of Monday to enjoy. They did not play well. It was hot and I think they were tired, or at least that is they way they looked! We had a great time at the lake, got some much needed rest, ate way too much good food, watched movies, played, shopped, and then ate a little more!

The regular season starts....we have this weekend off and then the chaos begins with 2 kids going in 2 different directions across several states, with 3 Littles in tow. Sometimes I question WHY we do this? Our kids love it. Our kids are good at it. We try to make it a family "event" although we often look like the circus arriving at the fields! Ha! The joys of a large family! People tell me that I will miss it when they are grown and gone....hmmmm? I am sure I will, craziness and all. For now, it is our lifestyle and I am thankful for strong healthy bodies and the dedication and commitment my kids put into it and the relationships they build through it. Here's to a great season...Go Gunners!!!!


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