Monday, December 9, 2013

The Holiday Season

It is that time of year! How can it be? Weren't we just in costumes knocking on doors begging for candy???? Thanksgiving came and went. My favorite holiday. It is just so simple. Eating, thankful hearts and people you love. What could be better than that? Then Christmas comes fast on the heels of that simple holiday with all it's glitz. I feel like we as Americans rush through that simple lovely holiday to get to the next...we even had stores open Thursday, Thanksgiving day, this year! REALLY???? Weren't we supposed to be giving thanks for what we have instead of out shopping for more of what we really don't need? I tried hard to hold on to that 4 day weekend but alas with Thanksgiving being so late this year, I had to jump right into the hoopla. And I wasn't really in "the mood" if you want to know the truth. I drug all the boxes and bags out of the attic Saturday and began the decorating while removing any traces of fall decor still up. I was hoping that getting our favorite things up would lighten my mood. I just wasn't ready to dive in full force to all the Christmas "stuff" we have on our list. I was still eating turkey and gravy leftovers for crying out loud! I managed to get it all up. Then Sunday we rushed out to get a tree and decorate it as a family as it was THE ONLY DAY we all had together over the next few weeks....crazy!

So now my house is adorned in all its Christmas finery. We have begun our traditions..the candy countdown chain, the advent calendar, Coco the elf has returned, the lights are twinkling, the candles are lit and the house smells wonderful, we are reading all of our favorite Christmas stories, the shopping is in full force, the parties, the events, and yes, the sports that stop for nothing. I do feel more festive. And I do like the way it looks and makes me feel when it is all up.I love looking at the "stuff" and all the memories it brings to mind. But I truly long for simplicity. Stillness. Reflection on the meaning of this great day. More family time, less distraction. I know I sound like a scrooge. But life is so chaotic and busy through out the year. Why do we add more to that during this time? Why don't we slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures? Sometimes I wish I were Laura Ingalls. Now that was a simple Christmas!

We had Thanksgiving at my brother's house this year in Atlanta

My Family

Our Thankful Tree Nov 1st

And our Thankful Tree at the end of the month! LOVE this tradition and each year I remove it all and put them in a bag labeled with the year. Maybe one day someone will go back and read them and reminisce and feel very blessed!

On to the next set of decorations......

 All my little elves

Lulu's unique style of decorating..."the clump"

All my "gifts"...crazy bunch that makes my heart smile!


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