Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2009 Travel Group Reunion

We had our China Travel Group reunion this year in our home city. Last year we all went to Austin, Texas. There were 7 of the 9 families that came this year and it was so good to see everyone! We are blessed to have traveled with such an amazing group of people. We had a very large group in China with 4 Grandmothers, 2 Grandfathers and 4 siblings that also made the trip. We will forever share that incredible experience with these 9 families, some of them becoming parents for the 1st time! The girls are all precious and at such a cute age! We had everyone over to our house Friday night for dinner and catching up and lots of playing, Saturday we swam in the hotel pool and Saturday night we had pizza at our favorite pizza place-Yo Pizza. We then went to get ice cream and to the hotel for more photos on a couch that just happened to be RED!!!! It was amazing to see how much the girls had changed since that 1st "red couch" picture in Guangzhou, China in July 07. My family was very sad the next morning knowing everyone was headed home. We feel so amazingly blessed to have gone on the adoption journey-the joys we have encountered along the way are far greater than we could ever have imagined. We are already looking forward to next year's reunion in Orlando Florida!!!!!! Thank you to all our travel buddies for making the trip and for greatly enriching our lives!


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