Monday, August 3, 2009

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Welcome! As our family enjoyed a trip to Germany and Austria this summer where we took a fabulous Sound of Music tour we thought this an appropriate title to start off with. We live in the deep south and have a an 11 yr old daughter Julia, 7 yr old son Sam and a 2 yr old daughter Jaida. Our first 2 kids are biological and the 3rd is adopted from China. We have also acquired a puppy named Ollie. He is a Havanese-which is a little fluffy ball of energy. What was I thinking, oh yeah I know, the kids were "dying" to get another dog!!!! We lost our 14 yr old Golden Retriever last spring-Harley-oh how I still miss him!!!!
As summer is coming to a close, don't really get that as it is 105 degrees here and only August 3rd! Anyhow, school starts back around here next Monday-however we will NOT be starting next Monday as we are home schooling this year! Yes, we are VERY excited, all of us, I will be teaching a 2nd and a 6th grader and my 2 yr. old will be going to Mother's Morning Out 2 days a week but home with us the rest of the time. It should be interesting. Our children attended a private Christian school up until last year when we really felt the Lord calling us to home school. At first, I ignored God's call but it got louder and louder until I could ignore no more! So here we are, books, notebooks, charts, flashcards, pens and pencils ready to take on this new adventure! I am sure I will have some really good days and really bad days to post about so stay tuned!

The other big move around here is our 2nd adoption from China. We got word today that our agency had submitted our LOI(official letter requesting a child) to China for our newest family member. When we get pre-approval I will tell you all about it and post pictures. Adoption is a passion of our family and we have been immensely blessed by our daughter whom we adopted 2 yrs ago and felt God whispering to us again that there was a child He wanted us to love. This time around we went the Waiting Child route, which are children with special needs or older healthy children. We found this child on our agency's list and we are now praying China will grant us permission to proceed with bringing this child home to his Forever Family. Please pray this all moves as quickly as possible as getting paperwork through 2 governments can be rather SLOW!
We took everyone with us to China last time including Nana And Poppy, my parents, so we are planning on taking the whole crew with us again-oh boy sounds fun-3/4 kids on a plane for 17 hrs-yes adoption has its labor pains too!

Well, gotta go let the puppy out for the 14th time today but unfortunately even he doesn't want to go out when it feels as if you are walking into an oven!


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