Tuesday, November 16, 2010


No this post is not about speech therapy for Xin, but about the cute sayings and incorrect speech of my other 4 year old....Jaida.

She went to a birthday party at Monkey "Jones"

She wore her choo-choo to school, aka tutu

Her "yegs" get so tired when she runs fast

When she grows up she is going to have blond hair like Mommy, Sissy and Barbie

"Mommy, did I come out of your tummy AFTER you get back from getting me from China?"

"I am almost a grown up, I am getting so, so big!"

"Dat just drives me so crazy!"

"When my teacher forgets to do letters at school then it just so, so BORING!"

"Why I can't wear my high heels?"

This child just cracks me up! She is a feisty little thing and doesn't let anyone push her around, yet she can also be very sensitive. She is constantly amusing us with what comes out of her mouth!!! Thank you Lord for this delightful child that ensures there is never a dull moment in our household. I love you Jaida "Potata"


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