Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to All!

Family Shot
The whole gang!

My "Indians"

Our "thankful tree". We write on leaves what we are each thankful for everyday in November before Thanksgiving and by the big day our tree is filled. I save these each year and it is awesome to look back and read what each person has said.

The beautiful view from my parents' lake house.

I hope everyone enjoyed this most special holiday weekend. I love Thanksgiving because it is just so stress, no gifts, no media blitz about what you "need", just time spent with loved ones celebrating our many blessings. Oh yeah,.....and eating! God is so good and His blessings are truly abundant. Even the beautiful colors he created for this special day are a blessing. He could have just made the leaves turn brown and fall off but instead, he made them breathtaking. Hope you relished in His love and abundant goodness and that you cherished those you were with over this holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving!


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