Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas is in the air......

We had a great "Christmasy" weekend! We began by having pizza Friday night and completing some Christmas crafts. Saturday the girls did a little shopping for the boys and then we went to a yummy German restaurant for an early dinner. We visited our old church and watched their Christmas musical. It was wonderful. Sunday morning we were blessed by a very meaningful sermon that really made us think about the true meaning of Christmas and the joy we as Christians should find in Jesus. We then went on our annual Christmas Tree Farm journey into South Carolina where we rode on the wagon, hunted for the perfect tree, played hide and seek among the "gianormous" trees and then had snacks outside in the cold! Yes, it was actually COLD this year!!!!! It felt like Christmas and not 4th of July-ha ha! We came home and had dinner in the dining room where we did the Raclette. This is a Swiss grill where you cook meats, cheeses and veggies at the table top and place them over bread or potatoes. It was very cozy and one of those weekends where you hope your children will remember and smile in years to come. I know I will. Thank you Lord for your son Jesus and all he means to us and all this season is supposed to be about. It is truly wonderful when you slow down and savor the time you have with those you love and reflect upon all that is good and joyful. May you take hold of these next few weeks and gather those that you love and make wonderful memories that will be true and lasting gifts in the years to come.


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