Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Break and Other Stuff

The kids wanted to celebrate Ollie's 2nd birthday! He looks so happy!?
Celebrating Father's Day. We love our Daddy so very much and are blessed by his love and sacrifices for us. And I can't forget my wonderful Dad too!!

My sweet "princess" heading to Princess Ballet Camp.

Pizza with cousins Zeke and Ezra.

Well, as much as we have consumed ourselves with the photos and dreams of our new little one, we have also been very "busy" with other stuff! I love summer and it's lack of a schedule. I like the down time. I NEED the down time, as do my kids.

So what have we been doing? We have been conditioning a few days a week with the Augusta Eagles (home school sports league),Princess Ballet Camp, celebrations, reading, swimming, playing with friends and cousins,grilling out, doing puzzles, thinking about Lulu and praying for a speedy approval (oops...see, we can't get her out of our minds!) watching movies, sleeping later, well some of us, and just enjoying each other's company. Hope your summer is going well too and you are treasuring these moments with your little ones, as they go by oh so very quickly!


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