Monday, June 13, 2011

Overflowing with Blessings!

Stay tuned for pictures of her in a tutu!!!!!

Since last week when we received pre-approval, we have been blessed with over 40 pictures of our sweet Louisa! There is a wonderful mission team that spent the last 5 days at Lulu's orphanage and they have provided us with incredible pictures that have allowed us a glimpse into our daughter's world and her personality. One kind woman even emailed me about her development. She appears, from a Mama's point of view to be developmentally on track. She uses her hands very well. She is shy and serious. Her feet do appear to be clubbed. We want to thank Makenna, a beautiful 13 year old, for loving on our Louisa so many hours. We look forward to connecting with them when they return so we can keep her updated on Louisa. What blessings these photos and information have been. They will sustain us during this LONG wait. Ugh...I can't even wrap my brain around the wait. Do you think if I just showed up they would give her to me now?????

Because we have sooooo many pictures we will post a few over several days time so as not to bore you. By the way, we think she is just BEAUTIFUL!


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