Thursday, July 14, 2011


First Mother's Day-10 months old!


Just born!

2 weeks old

1st birthday

2nd birthday

5th birthday

10th birthday-with her BFF Haley

13th birthday!

Julia turned 13 today. How did that happen? I have a teenager! Doesn't 12 sound so much younger than 13? It seems like yesterday she was a baby but in a way, seems like a long time ago too. I have to admit, I have been a bit teary thinking of this day. We gathered at the lake this past weekend to celebrate with family and I started crying as we sang Happy Birthday. I did pretty good today though and we had a wonderful day! She is having a swim and dinner party tomorrow night with some of her friends to continue this big "teen" celebration.

Julia entered this world with eyes wide open and a zest for life. A great preview of what was to come. This precious 8lb 14oz bundle rocked my world! Life took on a whole new meaning. Love took on a whole new meaning. How young and dumb I truly was! But Julia put up with all my rookie moves and has turned out just fine! She has always been a joy and truly an easy kid. And I have found it a privilege and an honor to be her mother. She was my first baby. The one that paved the way for all the others. I have enjoyed every stage of her 13 years.It is a blessing to be her mother! As we enter this new stage called the "teenage years" I look forward to growing our relationship in a whole new dimension. I love this child with all my heart. I love everything she stands for, everything about her....especially her heart. On this day I hope she knows just what she means to all of us. Just how very much she is loved. Happy 13th Birthday my sweet Julia!


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