Friday, July 22, 2011

Forever Family Day...4 years ago today

THEN and..........


Four years ago today I was handed a sweaty, screaming, bald, cone-headed 9 month old little girl. Her name was Ning Fei fei. There on the 20th floor of a building (about 120 degrees) in, Nanchang China, the civil affairs office, I became a mother for the 3rd time. She became Jaida Ruth Hatcher...beloved daughter, sister, niece, cousin, granddaughter. This little Chinese firecracker showed me how I could love a child not born from my womb but from my heart. Oh the joy she has brought us all. We love her unbelievably much! We celebrated Forever Family Day today with lots of fun and of course food...we are a food lovin family if you haven't figured that out by now! We had little goodies this morning, watched Tangled this afternoon, ate dinner at PF Chang's (Chinese of course) followed by cupcakes and stories and lots of hugs and kisses. I truly forget that I did not birth this sweet child. I find it hard to believe she had a life before us that I know nothing about except for a few pictures taken on a disposable camera. How blessed we are that God chose us to be her Forever Family. I love you with all my heart ladybug! Happy 4 years!


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