Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

It is the year of the snake. Last year we were in China for the end of Chinese New Year-year of the dragon- and it was really cool to see all the decorations, hear the fireworks, and all the festivities. This year we celebrated American style :)!

We celebrated Saturday night with our adoption group and had lots of yummy Chinese food and warm, full hearts as we all looked upon our Chinese blessings home with their Forever Families! Thank you Drafts family!

Sunday night we celebrated at home with our own special dinner.....with American food :) !
So blessed to have our 3 little Chinese American family members and the unique opportunities it lends to our family.
May your year be filled with His rich blessings.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A sad farewell....

My sweet big girl played her last home game with the Eagles last night. More than likely we will not be here next season so this was a tough one for her. She started playing with the Eagles in 6th grade for the middle school team and now as a 9th grader she is finishing up on the JV team. This is truly such a wonderful group of girls! To make the last home game even tougher they played her old school. And they are a varsity team, a BIG varsity team, with a 5th yr senior to boot! The outcome was not in our favor and the tears flowed as she stepped off the court. I have dreaded this night for weeks knowing she was going to be so sad. My heart hurt for her. These past few months have been extremely tough and emotional for all of us but for a 14 year old......the idea of moving and leaving friends, sports teams and just life has been taxing for her. As a mother you want to shield your children from those deep heart hurts, but there are times you can't. Life throws things at you that you can't control and you must do your best to shepherd them. Of course when your own heart hurts and you are trying to wrap your brain around all that is happening that can be tough. So we are plowing through it together. Sometimes we do well and sometimes it ain't pretty! But I love this girl with all my heart and I have to remember God loves her more than I do, and all this.....He has planned for her good, our good. Julia, you played a fabulous last game on your home court! I could not have been more proud! As always you gave 110%. I love you, Julia!
 Now, on to the regional tournament and national tournament!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And Sam is 11!

February is filled with celebrations in our house! Today my sweet Sam turned 11. How could that have happened? He was just that fat baby boy with the big blue eyes, now he is almost as tall as I am...but he still has the big beautiful blue eyes! We all say Sam is the nicest, kindest person in our house. He is just such a good kid/brother, friend. We all adore him. Happy Birthday Sam! I love you so very much!!!!!

He wanted the neighbor gang to come over to watch the Super that we did!

Presents this morning, Chick-fil-A for breakfast.

We had to do cake before dinner again as Julia had a game in Columbia tonight. After the game, we ate at Fuddruckers to end the celebration!

My how handsome he is....and grown up he is looking! May God bless you this next year little buddy.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Beauty Shop


It is one of those toys. Ya know the ones that you think, "Oh no, that is just going to take up space, lots of space, and no one is ever going to play with it!" Julia received this as a gift form Will's parents when she was a little tot. And I thought that exact sentiment. "It is big. It is plastic. It is pink and purple. She will never play with that!" I was so wrong. She did play with it. As has every child since. Even the boys. And the neighbors. And the visitors. All the kids. Years later it is still a draw. My little girls love it. In fact, it was my big Saturday night entertainment this evening. I know, I need to get a life! But instead I got my hair and make up done by two adorable raven haired beauties. No other place I would want to be. Julia no longer plays with the beauty shop...sigh! But it seems like just yesterday she did! But now my sweet almond-eyed daughters are tucked warmly into their beds and my first baby and I are going to watch a chick flick. And I think I will live it up large and have a glass of wine! Enjoy your Saturday night!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Someone turned 7 today!

Happy 7th Birthday Xin!

For some reason 7 doesn't sound so little anymore. It sounds more like a "medium" kid. Can't believe he is 7! We celebrated with a donut breakfast, lunch with the birthday boy at school and shared cupcakes with classmates. The entire cafeteria sings Happy cute! Then we had more celebration with cake and dinner out at a Chinese restaurant.( We did it backwards and had the cake first due to some scheduling conflicts with the 7 member family we have-hey it works!) It was a great day  celebrating Xin! We have come a long way! We love you buddy and know God created you for something special!