Tuesday, February 5, 2013

And Sam is 11!

February is filled with celebrations in our house! Today my sweet Sam turned 11. How could that have happened? He was just that fat baby boy with the big blue eyes, now he is almost as tall as I am...but he still has the big beautiful blue eyes! We all say Sam is the nicest, kindest person in our house. He is just such a good kid/brother, friend. We all adore him. Happy Birthday Sam! I love you so very much!!!!!

He wanted the neighbor gang to come over to watch the Super Bowl...so that we did!

Presents this morning, Chick-fil-A for breakfast.

We had to do cake before dinner again as Julia had a game in Columbia tonight. After the game, we ate at Fuddruckers to end the celebration!

My how handsome he is....and grown up he is looking! May God bless you this next year little buddy.


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