Saturday, February 9, 2013

A sad farewell....

My sweet big girl played her last home game with the Eagles last night. More than likely we will not be here next season so this was a tough one for her. She started playing with the Eagles in 6th grade for the middle school team and now as a 9th grader she is finishing up on the JV team. This is truly such a wonderful group of girls! To make the last home game even tougher they played her old school. And they are a varsity team, a BIG varsity team, with a 5th yr senior to boot! The outcome was not in our favor and the tears flowed as she stepped off the court. I have dreaded this night for weeks knowing she was going to be so sad. My heart hurt for her. These past few months have been extremely tough and emotional for all of us but for a 14 year old......the idea of moving and leaving friends, sports teams and just life has been taxing for her. As a mother you want to shield your children from those deep heart hurts, but there are times you can't. Life throws things at you that you can't control and you must do your best to shepherd them. Of course when your own heart hurts and you are trying to wrap your brain around all that is happening that can be tough. So we are plowing through it together. Sometimes we do well and sometimes it ain't pretty! But I love this girl with all my heart and I have to remember God loves her more than I do, and all this.....He has planned for her good, our good. Julia, you played a fabulous last game on your home court! I could not have been more proud! As always you gave 110%. I love you, Julia!
 Now, on to the regional tournament and national tournament!


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