Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Perfect Day

Yesterday the kids all had a day off from school so I decided we needed to do something fun! With our weekends always so packed with soccer and social engagements it leaves very little time to explore other options. Fall is my favorite time of year so I checked into some "fall activities". The kids and I loaded up the minivan and took off for the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains where we enjoyed a beautiful drive, picked apples at an orchard, enjoyed a picnic lunch, explored waterfalls and streams, and old train tunnels and stopped at a favorite bakery. The weather was perfect, the leaves had a touch of color, and the time together was memorable. All five of them told me numerous times how much fun they had. To make the day even better everyone behaved, shared, didn't whine, controlled their "attitudes" and got along. I don't know about your house but at ours....this is a rarity! On any given day someone has a "tude", someone is crabby, someone whines uncontrollably, someone is hormonal and getting along.... well, "I'm telling!" rings out way too many times! But this day, well, it was pretty darn perfect and I am going to treasure it and hold it close to my heart! What a fabulous time we all had!


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