Wednesday, October 16, 2013

As October began.....

A little behind here October began we have enjoyed the little bit cooler weather, attended high school and college football games, homecoming, soccer tournaments and matches in and around Georgia and South Carolina, began sign language club, attended birthday parties, I enjoyed an evening with some friends for dinner and David Crowder Band concert, a college entrance seminar-did I say college???-, enjoyed an evening watching the Littles' Spanish program, painted the little girls' room, celebrated Will's 49th birthday and visited the pumpkin patch....whew!!! No wonder I haven't blogged. Fortunately you only have to endure pictures of the last two above mentioned events :)

Birthday dinner

Don't you love the candle. We had a 40 and a 9. Put them together and what do you get.....49!

Love this crazy group of people!!!!!

Totally lovin the cover panties shot Lulu is flashing the world! Makes me laugh!

Seriously, when is her hair going to grow???? 
This is my absolute favorite time of year!!!!! Before the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Hoping you are enjoying your fall!!!!!


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