Monday, January 27, 2014

Big girl panties and a $30 diary

I guess when you are ready you are ready. Ready she was. She went 1 week with no accidents and off we went to Target to buy big girl panties and a toy of choice. A little bribery. She chose Sophia the First panties in a size 2T which I must say hang off her tiny hiney! :) Next, she has been talking about getting a diary she saw at Target one day with Sam and Jaida, as her potty training bribe present. I thought, wow! cute idea and a little educational too as she can practice writing her name in it. And I am thinking under $10 for sure... maybe even under 5 bucks! She knew exactly where the diary was as she led me straight back to the aisle containing the much anticipated diary. She shrieked with delight as she saw it!!!! I shrieked with fear as I saw it! 30 DOLLARS!!!!!! Oh my word!!! I even tried to gently suggest something else. NOPE!!!! She was delighted! We came home and installed the batteries so that this wonderful diary could sing its annoying lovely song....EACH time you turn the key!!! She carries it around with her and reluctantly lets her sister play with it momentarily. She is also quite proud of her panties and shows anyone who wants to see them!!!! Love this kid! So proud of you Lulu-bug!!

The diary, the expensive diary! :)


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