Friday, January 3, 2014

Our holiday in pictures

Christmas Eve getting ready to read "The Night Before Christmas"

Waiting to "attack" the gifts that await unsuspectingly at the bottom of the stairs and just around the corner!

Time for stockings

Blazen loved his new was shredded 2 minutes later!

This makes me laugh.....this headband was Sam's gift to Lulu...she wore it for hours this way....with the big blue Cherokee tag still on and sticking up! I laughed every time she ran by me!

Opening gifts from Nana and Poppy who always come and have lunch with us Christmas Day.

She was cracking herself up here....and everyone else!

My sweet Jaida just gets prettier and prettier! She asked for her 2 front teeth for Christmas but Santa did NOT deliver!

The girls got hats from my parents.

We celebrated on the 26th with Will's family. Some fun cousin time. Two peas in a pod..Anna and Jaida!

All the cousins on a cold southern day!

Ringing in the New Year with our awesome neighbors! Food, fun and fireworks...and we didn't have to go anywhere!
Hope your holidays were wonderful, warm and cozy and spent with those who bless your lives!


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