Friday, February 26, 2010

ARTICLE 5!!!!!!

After 9 weeks of waiting we have been told our Article 5 was issued and is in route to the CCAA where they will then issue the FINAL step in this process.......our Travel Approval! That should come in about 2-3 weeks....I'M going with the 3, if not longer. Once that is issued we will get plane reservations, consulate appointments, etc. We have our Visas so we are set. We are getting closer, still NOT there but closer! I am guessing we will travel around mid April, which works out great because then the Masters Tournament is over. We had so hoped to travel before the tournament but God's timing and ways are so much better than ours (hard as that is to understand at times) so we are resting in His assurance and celebrating this step toward our little boy! Can't wait to hold that little fella!!!!! Hang on baby, we are counting down the weeks!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010



Southern Snow!!!!! Ok, all you Northerners are probably reading this post thinking,"Come on? You are excited about snow???" Yes, we ARE!!!!!! You see, it has been 8 years ago here in Augusta that we received snow accumulation like this. It was January of 2002 and I was VERY pregnant with Sam as I pulled Julia around in the sled and made snowmen and snow angels, etc! It is absolutely beautiful and it will more than likely be gone by tomorrow afternoon. Ah, see that is why we like snow down here. It disappears!!!! Quickly! We had a blast, a wet and muddy blast. We built snowmen, had snowball fights, went sled riding, made snow angels, caught snowflakes on our tongues and marveled at the beauty of the white EVERYWHERE! Jaida had never seen snow before and she was a real trooper! She was soaking wet but she stayed out in it to the bitter and dark end! The pictures are not very good because the flakes were so big and wet they kept getting in the way and it was nearing dark. I will try again tomorrow morning before it melts! Right now we are just enjoying sitting by the fire and watching the flakes fall outside our window! A rare and beautiful sight! Will said he felt like he was at a ski lodge. What an unexpected(I never believe the forecasts) and delightful treat!!!!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Today Sam turned 8! How did that happen? He was just a baby! He was a BIG, almost 10 lbs, baby -10 days early. He was so beautiful and pudgy and yummy. He was so pretty people always thought he was a girl! Now he is an 8 yr old! He is handsome, with some of the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen, he is smart-really smart, an incredible Lego builder, excellent athlete, he has a contagious laugh-and he LOVES to laugh, especially at his big sister, and he loves animals. Most of all though, he has the most tender, kind, and loving heart. It is such a beautiful quality to have and it makes him quite endearing. I am blessed to be his Mommy

To celebrate Sam today, we started the day off with Krispy Kreme doughnuts-the chocolate icing with sprinkle kind!!!!! We went to see a movie and had popcorn (another amazing thing about homeschooling-you get to go to the movies on your birthday). We ended the day with chicken fingers, french fries and edamame for dinner-Sam's choice of course- and a Lego cake and ice cream for dessert! The absolutely great thing about boys is they aren't real particular about details such as what their cake looks like. You throw a few cool looking Lego dudes on top and you are all set! It was a great day!!! Happy Birthday Sam! Mommy loves you so much! You are truly a blessing to our lives!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Feet Darlin"

I just LOVE 3yr old speech! Julia and Sam both had trouble with "s" blends and Jaida is following suit! She talks constantly and these are some of the cute things that come out of her mouth:
"Hi feet darlin"-when talking to her babies-sweet darling
"Xinny have frinkles on he cake!"-That would be sprinkles
"What mulls?"- smells
"Dat reawwy mart!"-that is really smart
"You no mind me you get a fankin!"-again to her babies-spanking
" I get have feshel time with Mommy!"-special
"Please I have a foon?"-one guess-used with soup or ice cream
" First I have to fit my toofpaste out."-that would be spit and toothpaste
It is made even cuter because her little mouth is just so darn cute-her teeth(which are surely going to need braces), her tongue and those beautiful lips.....Oh I could just eat it all up. I must kiss it a thousand times a day!!!!!! I dread the day when correct grammar and speech make their way into her repertoire because it is just so priceless!!!!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010



Our Xinny, as he has become affectionately known, turned 4 today! Happy Birthday to our sweet little guy. I don't know if he knows it is his birthday-probably not. I tried to send a birthday cake but the orphanage won't accept them anymore. WE know it is his birthday and we celebrated! Most importantly, God knows this is the day Xin came into the world and He is celebrating that beautiful little life. Thank you Lord for Xin and Happy Birthday dear baby. We love you!!!!!!