Friday, February 5, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today Sam turned 8! How did that happen? He was just a baby! He was a BIG, almost 10 lbs, baby -10 days early. He was so beautiful and pudgy and yummy. He was so pretty people always thought he was a girl! Now he is an 8 yr old! He is handsome, with some of the prettiest blue eyes I have ever seen, he is smart-really smart, an incredible Lego builder, excellent athlete, he has a contagious laugh-and he LOVES to laugh, especially at his big sister, and he loves animals. Most of all though, he has the most tender, kind, and loving heart. It is such a beautiful quality to have and it makes him quite endearing. I am blessed to be his Mommy

To celebrate Sam today, we started the day off with Krispy Kreme doughnuts-the chocolate icing with sprinkle kind!!!!! We went to see a movie and had popcorn (another amazing thing about homeschooling-you get to go to the movies on your birthday). We ended the day with chicken fingers, french fries and edamame for dinner-Sam's choice of course- and a Lego cake and ice cream for dessert! The absolutely great thing about boys is they aren't real particular about details such as what their cake looks like. You throw a few cool looking Lego dudes on top and you are all set! It was a great day!!! Happy Birthday Sam! Mommy loves you so much! You are truly a blessing to our lives!


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