Friday, February 26, 2010

ARTICLE 5!!!!!!

After 9 weeks of waiting we have been told our Article 5 was issued and is in route to the CCAA where they will then issue the FINAL step in this process.......our Travel Approval! That should come in about 2-3 weeks....I'M going with the 3, if not longer. Once that is issued we will get plane reservations, consulate appointments, etc. We have our Visas so we are set. We are getting closer, still NOT there but closer! I am guessing we will travel around mid April, which works out great because then the Masters Tournament is over. We had so hoped to travel before the tournament but God's timing and ways are so much better than ours (hard as that is to understand at times) so we are resting in His assurance and celebrating this step toward our little boy! Can't wait to hold that little fella!!!!! Hang on baby, we are counting down the weeks!


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