Friday, February 12, 2010


Southern Snow!!!!! Ok, all you Northerners are probably reading this post thinking,"Come on? You are excited about snow???" Yes, we ARE!!!!!! You see, it has been 8 years ago here in Augusta that we received snow accumulation like this. It was January of 2002 and I was VERY pregnant with Sam as I pulled Julia around in the sled and made snowmen and snow angels, etc! It is absolutely beautiful and it will more than likely be gone by tomorrow afternoon. Ah, see that is why we like snow down here. It disappears!!!! Quickly! We had a blast, a wet and muddy blast. We built snowmen, had snowball fights, went sled riding, made snow angels, caught snowflakes on our tongues and marveled at the beauty of the white EVERYWHERE! Jaida had never seen snow before and she was a real trooper! She was soaking wet but she stayed out in it to the bitter and dark end! The pictures are not very good because the flakes were so big and wet they kept getting in the way and it was nearing dark. I will try again tomorrow morning before it melts! Right now we are just enjoying sitting by the fire and watching the flakes fall outside our window! A rare and beautiful sight! Will said he felt like he was at a ski lodge. What an unexpected(I never believe the forecasts) and delightful treat!!!!!


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