Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday Julia!

Me and my "baby"-she is almost as tall as me...where did the years go?

The birthday girl...... as her crown says!

We have a birthday chair and depending on the age/sex of said birthday person it is decorated accordingly.
My Dad/Poppy had to be out of town the day Julia was born so he sent us flowers in this bear vase. Every year I fill it with flowers for Julia.

Julia loves to bake. She made her own birthday cake-gotta love a kid who bakes their own cake-and boy was it DELICIOUS!!!!!

Twelve years ago today my heart changed. Never to be the same. My 1st child was born. Weighing in at 8lbs-14oz after hours of labor without the epidural working, hours of pushing, only to be taken by c-section with me under general anesthesia and Will shoved out the door of the operating room without a clue what was going on. WHEW!-it all ended well-thank you Lord! We had a girl. I became a mother. Before I became a mother, I could never quite find the "right" occupation. Nothing really made my heart soar. Motherhood made my heart soar. This first child of mine taught me so much. How could something so tiny change your world like that?

Julia was born wide-eyed and ready to take on the world. All the nurses commented on how alert she was and with those big eyes open all the time(yes, that means she slept very little too). She did not want to miss a thing. She still doesn't. She is still ready to take on whatever challenge comes her way. She is smart, strong, beautiful, funny, thoughtful, creative, athletic, kind-hearted and she loves her family. Julia came to me as a 7 year old and asked Jesus into her heart. He lives there and shines through her. She shares my passion for orphans. She is a fierce competitor. She is my friend and I love her dearly. As sad as it makes me to see her growing up so quickly, I love the new relationship we are building as she becomes less of a child and more of a woman. Happy Birthday my sweet "brown-eyed girl" I love you with all my heart and I thank you for teaching me what mother-love is. I am blessed to be your Mommy!


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