Monday, July 5, 2010

The 4th of July.......

 always a lot of fun for our family. My parents live at the lake and we all gather there for swimming, playing, eating, water balloons, water skiing, tubing, eating, corn hole,Balderdash, eating, fireworks and eating! There are lots of flags, red, white and blue attire, and patriotic attitudes. We are thankful we live in America and have the freedoms we do and the men and women who so bravely fight for our freedom. A few years ago this holiday started to mean even more to me. As we went through the adoption process I imagined our 1st 4th of July with our newest family member and American citizen. I will never forget July 4th 2008. We had Jaida home 11 months and every time I looked at her that weekend I got teary. I thought of how blessed we are to be BORN into this country. I thought of where my daughter might have grown up and where she was now, waving her little American flag. She had no idea what all this really meant, but I did. She was free..... to be whatever God has in store for her. Citizenship, American, or as a part of God's kingdom, is beautiful and a gift.

This year we added another new citizen. Again, I got teary as I watched his little face gazing at the fireworks and waving his flag. He is happy. He is free. He is an American. He has no idea what this means but again, I do and the enormity of it overwhelms me. What will he do with his freedom? Only time will tell what these 2 little American citizens will grow to be and do. I am so thankful the Lord laid upon my heart the desire to adopt. I am so blessed to be an American. I am so blessed to be a citizen in God's kingdom. Happy Birthday America! Thank you to all of you who have served and are serving this country and those of us who call it home!


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