Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our Sweet Sam

With Julia gone for a week of fun, we decided to treat Sam to a special night out...without the TK's-Teeny Kids. We got our favorite babysitter, to which Xin did really well, and off we went. We went to dinner first where we all ate way to much and then off to see a movie. It was such a nice time to spend just with him. Sam is our most tender-hearted child and our peacemaker. He is such a kind and caring soul. Not to mention very handsome with beautiful blue eyes, freckles splashed across his face and curly hair tossed across his forehead. Oh how I love this child! He had our undivided attention last night and I loved that special time. I got to hold his hand for a change instead of a tiny little one. Our night ended way too quickly but I will tuck away those memories in a special place in my heart. We will have to do it again soon! I love you Sam......with all my heart!


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