Monday, February 27, 2012

1 month ago today.......

Chen Xiang Ying was carried into the civil affairs office in Changsha by her nanny
She left everything she ever knew
And was placed into the arms of her forever family where she became Louisa Margaret Hatcher
She was NOT happy about it

But look at her now.....
She smiles continually
And explores everything
She is a happy little tot
We are all in love with her
And her smile lights up our home!

She is doing fantastic! She has learned a few things in this past month:
She can scoot and crawl
She pulls up to standing
She "walks" around the coffee table holding on
She gives high 5's...or 2-1/2's in her case
She blew me a kiss tonight at bedtime
She waved bye bye
She signs a few things
She said her first and pointed to the baby on the yogurt cup
She says woo woo for the dogs
She knows a lot of what we say and tell her-receptive language
She pointed to a dog on her pj bottom and said woo woo
She points to the rocking chair when she wants to be rocked
She eats anything and everything
Her tantrums have lessened in length and intensity...thank you God!!!!
She sleeps through the night and nap time
She is a smart little thing
She loves to be loved and loved and loved on!
We love you baby girl and we are so very blessed that you joined our family. We are so glad God called us to you. Happy 1 month with your big crazy Forever Family!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend in review

Watching a little Ninjago Friday nite with her Bro's!
Yeah, this is the dog she was afraid of last week.
Sat. Sam had 2 games in SC and Julia had 2 games in a different part of SC
In between games...a little cold and windy Sat.
Some cuteness from the new Big Sis
Xin always finds someone to "hang with" at these games
Celebrating my "39th" bday....don't know how that 47 got on that cake??????????
Nana and Poppy braved the weekend with I love these 2 troopers!!!!!
Julia played again on Sunday to a much nicer day of temps!
Quite the "get-up" on Miss Priss
The perfect 5th child...played on a blanket the entire time!
Happy as can be!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

15 years!

Happy 15th Anniversary to my Hubby! You have blessed my life! I love you!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Celebrating Lulu

Me and my 3 beautiful girls!
The Moms chatted
The medium-sized girls colored and played house
Taking it all in...note bow is no longer on head, lasted 2 minutes
All these precious girls are adopted except one big sis.
And my handsome boys headed to see "Star Wars" in 3-D

Today we celebrated being home with Lulu. My sweet friend Beth had our adoption group Moms and most of the daughters over for a wonderful afternoon of fun and yummy sweets. Can't beat that! This is such a great group and we have been so blessed by all their friendships and their support. I left their with a full heart and a trunk full of meals...YEA!.... and some diapers and a few other thoughtful gifts! Thank you Beth and thank you ladies for helping us celebrate this treasured and much anticipated addition to our family! We are truly blessed by each and everyone of you and your children.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Home 1 week......

We finished up basketball season
Celebrated Valentines Day
See more and more smiles from Miss Lulu
Looking for the dogs...notice dirty window!

I can't believe we have been home a week. Here is how it has played out:
Jet lag...big time
Life goes on and we are finding our new "normal"
We finished up basketball season
Soccer practices
Sweet friends and family have provided delicious meals
Jet lag...soooooo tired still
Celebrated Valentines Day at home and school
Started home schooling...ugh so hard to do!
Lulu hates the dogs but is curious about them
She is a great sleeper
She can still throw a mean tantrum where we have seen "Helga" a little too often
She is pulling up on those sweet little wobbly crooked feet
She wants to walk so bad
She says "uh oh" when something drops
She loves to laugh and be silly
She loves her brothers and sisters
Tolerates Daddy when in a good mood
Mommy has a new accessory... a 20-lb hip ornament
She loves to be held and loves to eat
Have I mentioned jet-lag....seriously!
She is the cutest little peanut (when she isn't Helga)
Still have half unpacked suitcases sitting in hall because....I have a baby in the house again!
Very few pictures taken-camera sits in closet because.....honestly, I am just too tired
Love brushing our teeth with faucet water
LOVING the internet and its speed and predictability again
Lulu gets the biggest kick out of using a fork and spoon and does pretty well
Very glad to be home and on a whole.....things have gone pretty darn well for week one!
Goal for next week........not sure I can think that far ahead for now-LOL!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday Sam

Sam turned 10 on Feb 5th and celebrated double digits across the world in China. What a way to celebrate! This little boy, who is growing up way too fast, melts my heart! He came into this world 10 days early weighing in at not quite 10 lbs. All chubby and blue-eyed, he loved to be loved from day 1. He is still all about love-what an amazing heart he has. He is kind, caring, loyal, handsome, loves God, smart, artistic, athletic, funny, imaginative, loves to laugh, play with friends,play with Legos, watch movies and football and eat my popcorn. He is a joy to parent and we are blessed to have him as our son and brother. I know God has very big plans for him and I can't wait to see what unfolds in his life. I love you so much Sam. You make me smile and make my heart so full. I am blessed by you!