Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend in review

Watching a little Ninjago Friday nite with her Bro's!
Yeah, this is the dog she was afraid of last week.
Sat. Sam had 2 games in SC and Julia had 2 games in a different part of SC
In between games...a little cold and windy Sat.
Some cuteness from the new Big Sis
Xin always finds someone to "hang with" at these games
Celebrating my "39th" bday....don't know how that 47 got on that cake??????????
Nana and Poppy braved the weekend with I love these 2 troopers!!!!!
Julia played again on Sunday to a much nicer day of temps!
Quite the "get-up" on Miss Priss
The perfect 5th child...played on a blanket the entire time!
Happy as can be!!!!!!


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