Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy 10th Birthday Sam

Sam turned 10 on Feb 5th and celebrated double digits across the world in China. What a way to celebrate! This little boy, who is growing up way too fast, melts my heart! He came into this world 10 days early weighing in at not quite 10 lbs. All chubby and blue-eyed, he loved to be loved from day 1. He is still all about love-what an amazing heart he has. He is kind, caring, loyal, handsome, loves God, smart, artistic, athletic, funny, imaginative, loves to laugh, play with friends,play with Legos, watch movies and football and eat my popcorn. He is a joy to parent and we are blessed to have him as our son and brother. I know God has very big plans for him and I can't wait to see what unfolds in his life. I love you so much Sam. You make me smile and make my heart so full. I am blessed by you!


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