Sunday, February 19, 2012

Celebrating Lulu

Me and my 3 beautiful girls!
The Moms chatted
The medium-sized girls colored and played house
Taking it all in...note bow is no longer on head, lasted 2 minutes
All these precious girls are adopted except one big sis.
And my handsome boys headed to see "Star Wars" in 3-D

Today we celebrated being home with Lulu. My sweet friend Beth had our adoption group Moms and most of the daughters over for a wonderful afternoon of fun and yummy sweets. Can't beat that! This is such a great group and we have been so blessed by all their friendships and their support. I left their with a full heart and a trunk full of meals...YEA!.... and some diapers and a few other thoughtful gifts! Thank you Beth and thank you ladies for helping us celebrate this treasured and much anticipated addition to our family! We are truly blessed by each and everyone of you and your children.


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