Monday, April 15, 2013

3 years!

April 14th marked 3 years that Xin has been with us, his forever family! He has come so far in those 3 years! He was just 4 when he walked out of one life and into another with nothing but the clothes on his back! Can you imagine? 3 years seems like so long ago yet he still, even 3 years with us, lived longer in the orphanage. He is a kind little fella with a sharing heart. He does so well in school. He is happy and he loves life. At 7 he still seems young, more like a 4 year old really. But there is great progress! We love you Xin and are so glad God made you our son/brother! Happy Forever Family Day #3 Xin!

We celebrated a day early as the 14th was a travel day home.We were at the beach and had donuts in the morning, beach time in the afternoon and dinner out to cap off the night!

He got a little dinosaur egg as a gift.

He worked hard to excavate the dinosaur inside...he had no idea he was covered in dust from the egg!


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